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Counselling Notes Protect (CNP) – Sexual Assault

Call: 1800 957 957
When: 9:00am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday

What is the CNP program?
The CNP program is a free legal service delivered by WLSQ in partnership with Legal Aid Queensland. The CNP program supports women and not for profit organisations to protect the release of counselling notes to the court in sexual assault matters.

Clients can be internally referred to the CNP program if they call the WLSQ Helpline or direct referrals from service providers can be made by completing the WLSQ referral form.

Who can the CNP program help?
Women and not for profit counselling services who are seeking to protect counselling notes from being made available to the court in sexual assault matters.

  • Women who:
    • Are the victim or alleged victim of a sexual assault offence;
    • Have had counselling;
    • Are involved in or may be involved in civil or criminal court proceedings about the sexual assault or alleged sexual assault; and
    • Are seeking to protect their counselling notes from being made available to the court.
  • Not for profit counselling services (for example, sexual violence or domestic violence prevention services) whose notes may be determined to be protected communications.

How can the CNP program help?
Through the CNP program WLSQ can provide advice and, in some cases, representation in court proceedings to seek protection of counselling notes.

How can services refer a client to the CNP program?
Clients can call the WLSQ Helpline on 1800 957 957, 9:00am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday. WLSQ will assess the client’s eligibility for the program internally.

Services can warm refer clients by completing the WLSQ referral form. We will contact the client directly to organise a suitable time for an appointment. Please note, you must provide WLSQ with a safe way to contact the client.

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